mercoledì 8 febbraio 2012

KunstWollen- VJ Chuuu

Pictures of great friend and artist Vj Chuuu at work
and in his studio/gallery at Tacheles, Berlin


Click on a picture to enlarge it and start the slideshow

At Quergänge Marzahn

All pictures are shot on film and scanned from handmade prints

All right reserved by the author

martedì 7 febbraio 2012

KunstWollen-Quergange Marzahn

Pictures from the "making of"and the Vernissage of
"Quergange Marzahn",organized by Sumone Productions

Thanks a lot to Dylan Bakker, Fine Brendtner and all the great friends and artists who where there.

Click on a picture to enlarge it and start the slideshow

Dylan Bakker at work

Fine Brendtner at work

Andreas Zant and his installation

Visual Art by Vj Chuuu

Photographer Ellie Keeble, who also pictured the exhibition

All pictures are shot on film and scanned from hand-made prints

All Right Reserved by the Author