sabato 1 agosto 2015

Mai-i Misteri Pasquali a Gallipoli

"Mai"-i Misteri Pasquali di Gallipoli è un breve reportage sulle processioni che animano la Settimana Santa di Gallipoli, che vedono la partecipazione delle confraternite e dei loro membri, nascosti da tunica e cappuccio- i "mai" per l'appunto.
Si comincia il Giovedì Santo con i Sepolcri, mentre il Venerdì Santo è la volta della processione "te l'Urnia"; infine la processione della Sconsolata, che si snoda per tutta la città di Gallipoli nella notte tra Venerdì e Sabato sino alla mattina.
Raccogliendo queste foto, ho cercato di dare pari importanza al centro storico, che nell'immaginario è il luogo "per eccellenza" delle processioni, e alla parte più nuova della città: una nuova "quinta" per un rito che risale indietro del tempo, uno scenario fuori dai cliché del folklore dove la tradizione si ri -fonda e ri -crea di generazione in generazione.

"Mai"-I Misteri Pasquali di Gallipoli is a reportage about the Holy Week in Gallipoli, Puglia, Italy, during which the members of the confraternities-named "mai"-take part in various precessions through the whole city. 
On Holy Thursday, the "Sepolcri" parade opens the Holy Week celebrations, followed on Holy Friday by the procession "Te l'Urnia". Eventually, in the night between Friday and Saturday, the procession of "Sconsolata" walks through the whole city, ending in the morning.
While carrying this reportage on, I tried to focus both on the old town and on the newer part of the city, a less typical yet very real scenery where this old ceremony is brought to life, between tradition and changes, year after year.

All pictures ©Giorgio Coen Cagli-
all rights reserved by the author

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All pictures ©Giorgio Coen Cagli-
all rights reserved by the author

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mercoledì 17 giugno 2015

Art Reportage for Limitless: 2501

Here's a selection of pictures taken for "Limitless", the new season of  Wunderkammern gallery dedicated to street art.
The last artist to be invited was 2501, here you can find a few pictures from the making of his last wall 
in Pigneto, Rome

Wunderkammern is a gallery based in Torpignattara, Rome, that "exhibits a genre of work inspired by the relation between the personal and the collective space. The gallery and its represented artists explore themes related the marvellous, the paradox, the connection between the inside and the outside, the conventional and the unaccepted, privacy and voyeurism, with a strong influence by 'relational art' and 'public art"

Jacopo Ceccarelli aka 2501 was born in Milan in 1981.

He started painting when he was 14 and he never gave up working on walls of his own city, Milan. First he studied as a film editor at the “Civica Scuola di Cinema” of Milan. Then he attended a master program on visual communication at New Bauhaus University in Weimar, Germany.

At the age of 20 he moved to São Paulo where he joined some project in favelas teaching to paint to children. Here he got in contact with the South American graffiti school based on Os Gemeos, Herbert Baglione, Higraff, Zezao and many others’ work.That experience totally changed his approach to paint.First with the Tag of Robot Inc and then as 2501 he developed a new style which combines wallpainting, paint on canvas, sculpture, installation, photography, video and documentary.Back to Milan, between 2004 and 2007 he was member of llloolll studio where he has mainly worked on web design, motion graphic, and advertising.In 2007 he moved again to São Paulo where he totally focused on his artistic career.He joined several solo and group exhibitions and his work has been published in many books about street art.In order to widen his field of action, he is currently working on an ongoing project called “Nomadic Experiment," which involves different media, an interest for moving images and narrative potential of photography and video and is aimed at recording a different documentation of the creative process behind his work.The interdisciplinary character of his research truly mirrors his approach to life and knowledge. He currently lives and works between Milan, Usa, South America.

 All pictures ©Giorgio Coen Cagli-Courtesy Wunderkammern

All pictures ©Giorgio Coen Cagli-Courtesy Wunderkammern 

mercoledì 22 aprile 2015

Art Reportage for Limitless: Alexey Luka

Here's a selection of pictures taken for "Limitless", the new season of  Wunderkammern gallery dedicated to street art.
The last artist to be invited was Alexey Luka, here you can find a few pictures of I'm working on his first solo exhibition "Being Here".

Wunderkammern is a gallery based in Torpignattara, Rome, that "exhibits a genre of work inspired by the relation between the personal and the collective space. The gallery and its represented artists explore themes related the marvellous, the paradox, the connection between the inside and the outside, the conventional and the unaccepted, privacy and voyeurism, with a strong influence by 'relational art' and 'public art"

Alexey Luka (Luchko) "was born in 1983 in Moscow, where he currently lives and works. Among the most talented and influential young artists in the Russian contemporary art scene, Luka has participated in important international projects, like the LGZ Festival in Moscow in 2013 and the project Le M.U.R. XIII in Paris in 2014.With a background in architecture studies, the Russian artist developed a unique and recognizable style, based on the use of abstract geometric shapes and chromatic variations. Perfectly comfortable with different techniques, spray paints, acrylic paints, sculpture, and collage, Alexey Luka creates complex compositions in which the colors and geometric lines interact, resulting in a sort of puzzle to decipher. "

All pictures ©Giorgio Coen Cagli/Courtesy Wunderkammern

All pictures ©Giorgio Coen Cagli/Courtesy Wunderkammern

sabato 21 marzo 2015

Miscellaneous: Winter 2014/2015 and pictures from the archive

Just a mixed selection of pictures
from my recent trips to Naples and Umbria, Italy 
plus some old, unpublished pictures from my archive

All pictures ©Giorgio Coen Cagli

From the Archive-2013
shot on film

From the Archive-2013
shot on film

From the Archive-Rome 2013
shot on film

Rome, winter 2014
shot on film

Sambuci, Rome- Winter 2014
shot on film

Naples, on the train to Pompei-Winter 2015
shot on film
Naples, on the train to Pompei-Winter 2015
shot on film

Pompei-Winter 2015
shot on film
Pompei-Winter 2015
shot on film

Naples,Winter 2015
shot on film
Todi, Umbria, March 2015

Todi, Umbria, March 2015

Todi, Umbria, March 2015

Spleto, Umbria, March 2015

Spoleto, Umbria, March 2015

Cascata delle Marmore, Umbria, March 2015

Spello,Umbria, March 2015

Spello, Umbria, March 2015

All pictures © Giorgio Coen Cagli