Here's a selection of pictures taken for "Public And Confidential", the great project of Wunderkammern dedicated to street art, with the first artist invited to Rome, Dan Witz
Wunderkammern is a gallery based in Torpignattara, Rome, that
"exhibits a genre of work inspired by the relation between the personal and the collective space. The gallery and its represented artists explore themes related the marvellous, the paradox, the connection between the inside and the outside, the conventional and the unaccepted, privacy and voyeurism, with a strong influence by 'relational art' and 'public art"
Dan Witz is an international known and acclaimed street artist, who "chose to focus on urban art, creating installations on the streets of various international cities and succeeding at expressing his ideas freely and directly[...] For the Public and Confidential exhibition in Rome, the artist specifically created new works in which illusionistic doors, gates, and bars offer a view of hidden characters. These depictions are an extension of the Wailing Wallsand Dark Doings projects started in 2012, presenting artworks from the Prisoner and the FREE PUSSY (riot)series, realized in collaboration with Amnesty International and in which the artist reflects on the freedom of thought and expression of the individual. Using this idea as a jumping off point, Dan Witz will present his new series of works, Natural History, in which he continues to consider the significance of physical “doors” that, besides signifying transition, also separate the outside world from the inside, thus generating reflections on the intersection of the public and private spheres."
All Pictures © Giorgio Coen Cagli- Courtesy Wunderkammern
© Giorgio Coen Cagli-Courtesy Wunderkammern |
Aggiungi didascalia |
© Giorgio Coen Cagli-Courtesy Wunderkammern |
© Giorgio Coen Cagli-Courtesy Wunderkammern |
© Giorgio Coen Cagli-Courtesy Wunderkammern |
© Giorgio Coen Cagli-Courtesy Wunderkammern |
© Giorgio Coen Cagli-Courtesy Wunderkammern |
© Giorgio Coen Cagli-Courtesy Wunderkammern |
© Giorgio Coen Cagli-Courtesy Wunderkammern |
© Giorgio Coen Cagli-Courtesy Wunderkammern |
© Giorgio Coen Cagli-Courtesy Wunderkammern |
© Giorgio Coen Cagli-Courtesy Wunderkammern |
©Giorgio Coen Cagli-Courtesy Wunderkammern |
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